The User Manual for the "ee" Editor The executable is a programmer's editor. It is a Windows "console", or "command-line" program. It can be customized, by editing the source code. Typical usage would be to type the name of the executable, and then the name of the file to be edited, as ee filename . For this to work, the executable "ee.exe" must be in a directory on the "path" . An alternative is to make a batch file "ee.BAT", that starts "ee.exe", and keep the batch file in a directory on the path. The batch file would need to pass along any command-line arguments. The extension for the "filename" usually doesn't need to be given. The program tries various extensions : .txt, .cpp, .h, ... . If there is more than one file with the given base name, then you may need to specify the extension you want. By editing the source code, you can change the order of the list of extensions, and add new ones. Some other options for startup are to use wildcards, and to give more than one file specification. For example, ee *.cpp or ee file1 file2 file3 . Another option is to just type the name of the executable, and then you will be prompted for a file name. After the editor starts, function key F1 shows a help screen, which lists many features.